Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012


Cara untuk Flash Nokia menggunakan Software Pheonik

Dalam kesempatan ini saya akan membahas tentang cara flashing nokia dengan software pheonik menggunakan USB
Hal yang perlu di persiapkan dalam flasih ini adalah :
  1. Handphone Nokia yang dapat di sambungkan dengan USB ke komputer
  2. Komputer dengan kapasitas tinggi
  3. Kabel data USB nokia atau sebagainya asal konek ke komputer
  4. Software Pheonik ( Bisa download disini pheonik )
  5. Firmware Nokia yang di gunakan Contohnya : RM-709 nokia X2-01 kalau mau download ada disini software untuk downloadnya ( nafiram )
  6. Software Nokia connectivity driver agar koneksi handphone dengan pc
Tutorial untuk flashing nya:
  • Install Software semuanya
  • Setelah itu buka Software pheonik
  •  Sambungkan handphone (usahakan cabut kartu telepon dan kartu memori) dalam kea dengan PC
  • Kalau sudah di buka software pheonik nya maka akan seperti di bawah ini ini

  • kelik File > Open Product > RM-709 untuk nokia X2-01 cari RM yang sesuai dengan handphone kalian (contoh : RM-709 kalau tidak tahu cek aja di hanphone kalian dengan menekan *#0000# maka akan muncul di sana.

  •  kalau sudah klik Flashing > Firmware Update maka akan muncul seperti gambar di bawah ini

  • klik tombol ( ...) disamping product kode maka akan muncul gambar di bawah ini

  • kalau sudah download Firmware hape kamu melalui aplikasi nafirm tadi maka akan buat polder seperti ini RM handphone kamu kalau saya memkai X2-01 seperti ini folder nya [ RM-709 ] yang berisi file yang di download melalu nafirm tadi simpan folder tersebut di System (c): > Program file >  Nokia > Pheonik > Products nah kalau sudah di kopi kesana sekarang buka lagi pheonik
  • nah ini screen shoot apabila sudah ada folder yang tadi di ke polder products 

  • setelah itu klik Refurbish dan tunggu samapai installasinya selesai

  • nah sekarang anda sudah nge flash handphone kalian dengan lancar

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Dualboot di device ANDROID

Dualboot berlaku di device ANDROID.!!!!!

Kalian tau biasanya pd komputer pc bisa dilakukan dualboot alias OS / sistem operasinya lebih dari satu (1). Demikian pd HH alias smartphone & pc tablet yg memakai os ANDROID bisa dilakukan hal yg sama yakni menanam 2 jenis OS android bahkan bisa dgn os WINDOWS MOBILE 6.!! Hebat bukan ha? Ha? Ha?, klw gk hebat jgn dteruskan liat link dbwh ini, jk bingung jgn dteruskan nanti bisa sindrom.£!!
Check it :

How to
Documentation and Screenshots

RunDroid app v2.3.2 for HTC HD2 by Pop45398 (@ XDA Developers)

This app can start Android on an SD card automatically on boot-up or with a single tap, thus allowing for an easy dual boot to Android or Windows Mobile, and should be compatible with all versions run with CLRCAD/HaRET. It features a setup menu which allows for user customization including setting the timeout before the default OS is started, thus allowing time to access the setup menu or select a non-default OS. It is actually a MortScript and corresponding MortRunner with a custom icon. It may work on other WM6 devices.


Version 2.3.2 added a new subroutine to rename the Android folder back to its original name when “Enable Builds” is selected if RunDroid had renamed the folder to Android. This eliminates the folder being renamed to Android[1]. (Thanks to crazycranky!)

Version 2.3.1 features language/text customization. By editing RunDroid.ini with a text editor the user can now change all text for desired content and language (with exception of button text, i.e. Ok/Cancel, Yes/No). There is no longer a need to edit the script for non-English ROMs where the SD card is not called “Storage Card”, a directory tree will appear for the user to locate the SD card’s root.

Version 2.2.1 features some minor changes over v2.1.1. A StartUp shortcut is no longer used for auto-launching at boot-up, instead it is launched during the init process before StartUp programs, hence the elimination of creating and deleting shortcuts from the Setup Menu. A new option to Enable Sense has been added so that Sense can be easily re-enabled if somehow not properly re-enabled during script execution. A setup.dll is now used to run Install and Uninstall scripts.

Version 2.1.1 represents a major overhaul from version 1 and features the ability to boot to a basically unlimited number of Android builds and a guided setup that walks through the setup process on initial running. It will scan all folders in the SD card's root for Android builds, indicated by the presence of HaRET.exe. It asks whether to use each build then asks if it requires renaming the folder to Android in order to run (some builds don't require being in the Android folder). A .cab file is used for installation which is now in the RunDroid folder in the root of the device. The folder name is used for displaying the build's name in RunDroid, with one caveat: if there is more than one build and one of them is named Android, that folder will be renamed to Android[1] so that the selected build folder can be renamed to Android (which is renamed back to original when another build is selected), hence descriptive folder names should be used.


Simply copy the .cab file to the SD card and run it with a file explorer to install. Version 2.3.1 MUST be installed to the device due to hard coded addresses required for auto-launching. This also eliminates the occasional possibility of the SD card not being initialized before RunDroid is started during boot-up. If during installation the SD card is not found by the default name “Storage Card” (usually due to a non-English ROM) a directory tree will appear for choosing the correct SD card root, not Android folder (see screenshots below for an example).


Start RunDroid with the Start Menu icon. On initial running, a guided setup will walk through the settings. Menus are self-explanatory (see screenshots). Selection is done by double-tapping an entry or tapping once then tapping OK. Only the main (Boot Selection) menu is timed for auto-selecting. If auto-running at boot-up is NOT desired, select “Disable AutoStart” during initial setup or later from the Setup Menu. The Timeout Delay may be adjusted to suit the user and system (see ISSUES section below). Whenever another build is added or deleted, one is no longer desired to be run, or a folder name changed, Enable Builds must be selected from the setup menu which will once again walk through the setup of builds and default OS selection (but not other settings). Builds are displayed in alphabetical order and can only be rearranged by renaming folders, like by adding a number at the beginning of folder names.


Startup programs, including HTC Sense and Notifications, etc, can briefly interfere with the ability to make selections, causing the default OS to be started before menu selections can be made. To combat this, if enabled and not already started, Sense is disabled then re-enabled on app exit. The Timeout can be adjusted to help with this. If the Timeout is set too low and selecting the Setup Menu or Boot to Windows is not possible, simply re-install the .cab. If unable to boot to Windows because Android starts before the menu appears, power off the device, remove the SD card, then power on the device; if not already at the menu, start RunDroid and go to the Setup Menu and adjust the Timeout to allow more time to access the menu, then power down and re-insert the SD card.


The user interface can be customized for text size, font type, language, and size of menu selection entries by editing RunDroid.ini with a (pure text) editor such as Notepad. Once RunDroid is installed, locate the .ini file in the RunDroid folder in the root of the device (not SD card) and open or copy to PC then open.

The following variables control the font and size of menu entries:


Increase or decrease FontSize to make menu selection text larger or smaller. EntryScale controls the size of menu selections, larger size makes selections easier to make. The scale is in percentage of the font size, i.e. 1.3 equals 130% of the font size. To use a different FontType than Tahoma, the desired font must be installed on the device.

In addition to descriptive variable names, to make RunDroid.ini easier for editing text content and language certain conventions are used:

Variables containing “Sel” are for menu selection entries.

......WMsystemSel=Windows Mobile

Variables Containing “Hint” are for the text that appears in the upper portion. Note that “Setup Menu” is preceded by a period and several spaces. The spaces are to center the text; the period is required because leading spaces will otherwise be ignored and the text will begin on the left instead of centered.

......SetupMenuHint=. Setup Menu

Variables containing “Txt” are for messages and questions which pop-up in new windows.

......NoBuildsMessTxt=There were no Android builds using HaRET.exe found on this SD card.

Do not change the actual variable names, for example “TimeoutMessHint=”, only the text following the “=” sign as these names are hard coded into the script and the new text will not appear.

Editing prior to completing the initial setup is preferred. Once editing is complete, copy the modified file to \RunDroid, overwriting the original. A copy of the modified RunDroid.ini file should be saved somewhere besides \RunDroid because if RunDroid is reinstalled or a newer version installed the entire folder will be deleted along with the modified file. Once reinstalled, copy the modified file to \RunDroid before completing the initial setup.

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Flashing ROM Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 Dengan ODIN

Flashing ROM Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 Dengan ODIN

Berikut prosedur tentang cara menginstal secara manual ROM saham (firmware) pada Samsung Galaxy GT-S5360 Y. Flashing ROM saham berguna dalam merendahkan atau meng-upgrade ke versi firmware yang tersedia yang Anda inginkan. Ini telah juga berguna untuk unbricking tujuan untuk bata, kembali ke asli atau jika Anda perlu garansi perangkat Anda kembali.

Panduan ini adalah sedikit berisiko untuk pemula dan hanya dapat digunakan oleh pengguna yang sudah terlebih dahulu memiliki pengalaman tentang bagaimana untuk men-tweak firmware perangkat android.
Sekarang, prosedur ini harus diambil serius untuk itu mungkin hasil untuk merusak telepon Anda jika beberapa kesalahan yang mungkin terjadi. Kita berbicara mengenai firmware berkedip di sini, satu gerakan yang salah atau gangguan apapun akan membawa Anda ke dalam situasi perangkat serius yang tidak terlalu mudah untuk telepon recover.

Persiapan sebelum Flashing
Back-up semua data penting Anda yang tersimpan di telepon seperti kontak, pesan, dan Flashing dll akan menghapus dan menghapus semua itu.
Pastikan bahwa telepon Anda sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab atau di atas 80% biaya. (Jika ponsel Anda memiliki sejarah auto-shutdown, dan terlalu tua, gunakan baterai bekerja lebih baru atau baik.
Keluarkan kartu SIM dan kartu memori eksternal. (Tidak harus tapi dianjurkan untuk menghindari isu-isu tertentu)
Hard Reset - Kita sering melakukan hard reset sebelum berkedip untuk membersihkan cache memori telepon. Master reset kode * 2767 * 3855 #.

Peralatan yang dibutuhkan dalam memflash dan upgrade samsung galaxy young :
- Odin Multi-downloader Download disini
- PIT file Download Disini
- Driver Usb dari KIES samsung bagi yg belun punya bisa download disini
- Firmware versi Indonesia Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread download disini
(extrack firmware, buat folder sendiri agar mempermudah penampatan pada odin)

Prosedur Odin untuk Samsung S5360 Galaxy Y
setelah semua nya dah di dipersiapkan,
1. instal KIES driver sampai finish.
2. kembali ke phone, tekan tombol volume down+menu+power secara bersamaan hingga tampil logo robot dan proses downloading.
3. tancapkan kabel USB ke cpu
4. Jalankan Odin Downloader v1.84 pada desktop PC Anda.
2. Load file biner firmware pada setiap tombol spasi yang ada di Odin,

lihat gambar dibawah, klik start tuk memulai
biarkan beberapa menit hingga selesai, phone akan merestart sendiri, cabut kabel USB. finish

untuk spesifikasi firmware terbaru bisa lihat dibawah ini :

Region: Indonesia - XSE
Version: Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread
Date: October 2011
Stock ROM: GT-S5360_XSE_S5360DXKJ3
Password: sampro.pl