Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Di Android

Perangkat dan persyaratan Yang Di perlu kan untuk Melakukan Tick ini :

  1. Operating System Android
  2. OS harus sudah di ROOT
  3. Perangkat memiliki jaringan GSM ( GPRS, 3G, atau HSDPA )
  4. Aplikasi Root Explorer/semacamnya ( memiliki hak R/W ) telah terinstal pada perangkat

Setelah semua persyaratan terpenuhi maka, lakukanlah :

  1. buka aplikasi root explorer
  2. cari folder system/
  3. ubah hak menjadi R/W (read/write)
  4. cari file "build.prop"
  5. tahan file "build.prop"
  6. kemudian open as text editor
  7. copy dan paste semua kode pada bagian paling bawah build.prop :
#signal tweak

#network tweak
net.tcp.buffersize.default=4096,87380,256960,4096, 16384,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.wifi=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.umts=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.gprs=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.edge=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960

  8. Selesai

setting vpn android dengan mudah

   android kini telah merajai dunia smartphone , banyak pengguna memilih ponsel Android sebagai life digital mereka karena android memiliki banyak fungsi. kita dapat menjalankan berbagai macam aplikasi seperti koneksi internet, WiFi, eMail, games, aplikasi dan  masih banyak lagi. Hampir semua fungsi pada komputer sudah terwakili Android.
sering menggunakan Internet?? jika ya kamu pasti tidak asing lagi dengan istilah VPN (Virtual Private Network) yang biasa digunakan untuk koneksi internet. VPN merupakan alternatif untuk koneksi internet yang lebih aman, lebih stabil dan lebih cepat dari pada koneksi konvesnsional, terlebih jika menggunakannya untuk koneksi business anda.

cara setting vpn android dengan mudah

Sama seperti pada komputer/notebook, sekarang Android pun sudah bisa digunakan untuk koneksi VPN, menggunakan fitur bawaan yang ada di Android. Sebagai bahan percobaaan, kita gunakan layanan VPN gratis dari http://www.freepptpvpn.com yang bertipe PPTP-VPN (09 Juni 2011).
Di bawah ini langkah kerja menggunakan Free PPTP VPN:
  • Pastikan Android anda terkoneksi ke internet , menggunakan koneksi konvensional seperti WiFi atau koneksi 3G dengan kartu GSM atau CDMA. Pilih Settings, Wireless and Networks, VPN Settings dan pilih Add VPN.
  • Pilih Add PPTP VPN karena server yang sedang kita gunakan adalah bertipe PPTP.  Pada bagian VPN name, tuliskan nama koneksi (Anda bisa menuliskan nama apa saja sesuai kehendak anda).
  • Pada bagian Set VPN Server ketikkan us.freepptpvpn.com, sesuai dengan petunjuk pada website free PPT VPN. Beri tanda pada bagian Enable Encryption. Di bagian DNS Search domains, kosongkan saja  bagian ini jika koneksi anda sudah menggunakan DNS yang stabil. Jika ingin merubahnya, anda bisa menggunakan DNS dari Google atau OpenDNS.
  • Setelah semua telah disetting, simpan konfigurasi tersebut dengan memilih Save.
  • Setelah pengaturan selesai, sekarang saatnya melakukan test dengan mengkoneksikan Android ke VPN. Tekan nama profile yang sudah dikonfigurasikan tadi, kemudian masukkan username dan password yang disediakan.
Tunggu sebentar sampai Android terkoneksi keserver VPN. percobaaan, kita gunakan layanan VPN gratis dari http://www.freepptpvpn.com yang bertipe PPTP-VPN (09 Juni 2011).

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

mempercepat kinerja android yang sederhana

Andoid Lemot? Inilah Cara Mempercepat Kinerja Android Yang Sederhana

dalam artikel ini, kami akan menjelaskan tentang cara mempercepat kinerja android. Cara ini sangat simpel atau sederhana yang bisa digunakan / diterapkan siapa saja yang menggunakan Android, meski pemula sekalipun. Berikut ini beberapa tips jitu untuk mempercepat kinerja Android yang dapat Anda lakukan sendiri.

Cara mempercepat kinerja Android

5 Cara mempercepat kinerja android

  1. Install Aplikasi Defrag Pro secara resmi dari Google Play. Banyak pihak mereferensikan aplikasi ini untuk mempercepat kinerja Android.
    Defrag Pro pada Android
  2. Uninstall Aplikasi yang tak berguna. Aplikasi yang terlalu banyak namun tidak digunakan akan memakan banyak space maupun CPU perangkat Android Anda. Maka, Anda perlu untuk menyeleksi aplikasi-aplikasi yang terinstall di Smartphone Anda dan menyingkirkan beberapa yang tidak perlu.
  3. Minimalkan tampilan pada Home Screen Android. Jumlah widget yang berlebihan juga akan memperlambat kinerja Android. Untuk itu, usahakan menggunakan widget seminimal mungkin. Bila perlu, hapus semua widget yang ada dan usahakan jangan menggunakan wallpaper animasi dengan resolusi tinggi.
  4. Upgrade Android versi terbaru. Dengan melakukan upgrade secara rutin, fitur-fitur yang lebih canggih tentu akan mempercepat kinerja Android Anda.
  5. Cobalah Untuk Overclock Android Anda. Tidak hanya PC yang dapat di overclock, smartphone pun juga bisa diperlakukan demikian. Belajarlah untuk melakukan setting overclock sederhana untuk mempercepat kinerja Android Anda.
    OverClock Android
Beberapa tips di atas sangat mudah kan? silahkan di coba dan jangan takut untuk mencoba. Good Luck untuk anda

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013


Phone look:

Tablet look:

Jika kamu adalah seorang Oprekers Android seperti saya, kamu pasti sering sekali mem-flashingcustom ROM, Kernel, dan modding-modding lainnya dengan cara masuk ke custom recovery, alat pengganti default Android recovery yang digunakan untuk instal costum ROM, dan memiliki fitur backup dan restore seluruh perangkat sistem juga beberapa fitur-fitur lain yang tidak ada di default Android recovery

(Team Win Recovery Project) TWRP adalah Recovery yang bisa disebut generasi baru, memiliki kelebihan yakni Recovery yang berbasis GUI (Graphical Unit Interface) dan mendukung full touchscreen dalam pengoperasiannya.

TEAM WIN TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) memperbarui versi recovery-nya dengan berbagai macam fitur yang cukup menarik. Apa saja fitur terbarunya, simak di bawah ini :
  • Fitur screeen timed-out dengan adanya fitur ini berfungsi untuk menghemat baterai hingga faktor lowbat pada flashing bisa teratasi khususnya pada perangkat-perangkat yang layarnya sudah Amoled.
  • Menambahkan fitur brightness atau pencahayaan fungsinya hampir sama dengan fitur nomor satu di atas (untuk yang ini hanya support beberapa perangkat saja).
  • Root checker dan SuperSU. Fitur ini bisa dibilang yang paling menarik karena jika kamu terlebih dahulu mengisntal recovery sebelum rooting device, TWRP menawarkan untukrooting device langsung dari TWRP dan kamu tidak perlu men-googling SuperSU.
  • Jika terjadi root yang gagal, TWRP akan mengeceknya untuk langsung me-reboot devicejika terjadi sesuatu.
  • Menambahkan opsi waktu dalam 24 jam untuk mengeset waktu.
  • Mendukung untuk MTK6xxx devices. (salah satunya si Lenovo Ideapad phone / Lenny)
  • Menggganti libtar to vfork untuk mencegah terjadinya konflik partisi memori.
  • Dan beberapa updete minor.
Untuk yang sudah menginstal TWRP versi sebelumnya kamu bisa memperbaharuinya dengah menginstaal “Goomanager”.  Buka menu “open script recovery” atau  kamu bisa mengunduhnya di situs web Team Win Project untuk mendapatkan versi terbaru dari Recovery TWRP ini. Selamat ber-flashing Ria dan happy Opreks

PSP Emulator


       Sudah Terbayangkah untuk memainkan game PSP di perangkat Android anda, kini bukan lagi saatnya untuk membayangkan saja namun anda sudah bisa memainkan Game PSP di perangkat Android anda.
Pada Akhir Tahun 2012 kemarin pihak sony telah membuka lisensi opensource untuk pengembangan PSP emulator di perangkat Android, jadi nantinya Aplikasi PSP Emulator ini akan digratiskan namun ada pula versi berbayarnya yang disebut PSP Gold Emulator.
Namun Sampai saat ini PSP emulator masih dalam tahan pengembangan.

Jika ingin tau lebih lanjut dan ingin mencobanya silahkan simak dibawah ini;


PPSSPP is a PSP emulator for Android and other platforms. It is being developed at a rapid speed and compatibility is increasing quickly, but there are many games it doesn't run yet and it doesn't run fast on Android yet.Please go to http://www.ppsspp.org for more information.
No games are included with this download, you will have to dump your own PSP games and turn them into .ISO or .CSO files, or simply play free homebrew games, which are available online.
* PSP is a trademark of Sony, Inc.
IMPORTANT: Please do not give bad reviews due to low compatibility. It takes time.
Visit Developer's Website

App Screenshots



Temple Run Oz Armv6 & 7

New Release TEMPLE RUN OZ (By Disney)
• Stunning environments inspired by the film – explore them all.
• Fly in a hot air balloon – earn even more coins.
• Explore different locations in Oz – follow sign posts!
• The environment changes as you run – test your reflexes.
• Compete in weekly challenges – beat your friends!

Requires Android: 2.2 and Up

Version: 1.0.1

Download Links: (Armv6 and Armv7)



Install APK and Play. 

Bladeslinger (Offline+Full)

Bladeslinger introduces graphics features never seen before on mobile devices. Multiple mind-blowing 3D environments and characters, dynamic lighting and shadows with no detail spared. As mobile games approach console quality, Bladeslinger pushes the bar further than ever before.

You play as William Glaston, a native of Hammer’s Peak returning home from war to find his once peaceful town deserted and overrun with hostile creatures he’s never seen before. Follow William’s quest for truth and the salvation of Hammer’s Peak.

Bladeslinger takes full advantage of the flexibility and unique options for gaming with touch screen devices. Quick shooting, split second dodging, combo attacks, monster punching and punishing special moves -- all achieved with simple, intuitive touch gesture controls.

Requires Android: 2.3 and Up

Version: 1.3.1

What's in this version:
Additional device support

Download Links: (Armv7 Only)



Download Data Files:(342 MB)


Install APK,place data folder in SDcard/Android/obb/ and play.
If the game crashes, enable auto-rotation and start game in landscape mode. 

Game - game Yang paling ditunggu & Bakal dirilis Di 2013

 Silahkan Simak INFOnya dimari;

We have seen some great new games arrive on Android phone and tablet devices in 2012 but experts say 2013 is going to be an even more successful year for gamers and game developers alike. Lots of great titles have already been lined up to getting released in 2013, whereas a lot of small/big mobile projects are starting every day. Many people have great expectations from Gameloft to keep them entertained and glued to their mobile phones in 2013.
Looking at the specifications of the newer high-end Android devices of today, anyone can guess what we are heading toward. An era of portable mobile gaming tailored for specifically for both casual and hardcore gamers depending on their needs.
Lets take a look at some of the new titles we will be seeing in 2013:

Leisure Suit Larry In The Land of the Lounge Lizards: The 25th Anniversary Edition

They very popular cult classic Leisure Suit Larry is going to make a return on Android in around January 2013 celebrating its 25th anniversary. The Kickstarter project was a great success acquiring over $600,000 as compared to the required $500,000. We will keep you posted as more details emerge.
Release Date: January 2013
Here is the Kickstarter video:

Download YouTube Video | YouTube to MP3: Vixy

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse

Another game that got picked up on Kickstarter, Broken Sword 5 reunites Stobbart and Collard in the greatest 2D adventure one can expect for Android phones and tablets. For pledging just $15 you can pre-order a digital copy of the game and get bonus material. Rewards include Broken Sword artwork, signed game design documents, personalised drawings from the art team, personalised messages from the game’s actors, a mention in the game, merchandise and an invitation to the project wrap party in one of the game’s locations.
Release Date: Early or Q1 2013
Broken Sword 5: The Serpents Curse for Android

Shadowrun Online

Expected to be the  best top-down turn based RPG game for Android devices, Shadowrun Online will keep anyone busy in great multiplayer for hours. The game will have a futuristic feel to it and the graphics, even though still in early development, still don’t cease to amaze.
Here is a little clip for Shadowrun Online.

Download YouTube Video | YouTube to MP3: Vixy Release Date: May 2013

Gangstar Vegas: City of Sin

Not much is known about this one other than rumors but we will let you know more as soon as we find out.
Rumored Release Date: ETA Q1-Q2 2013
Gangstar Rio Vegas for Android

Asphalt 8

We all knew it was just a matter of time till we would hear of another Asphalt those rumors are here in the form of Asphalt: Infinity! Don’t get too excited because no official word is out from Gameloft as yet but dont be surprised to see it sooner than you expect.
Rumored Release Date: Q1-Q2 2013
Asphalt 8: Infinity

GT Racing 2: Motor Academy

Again not much is known about this title but the screenshots really had us drooling… Let’s hope Gameloft gets it right with GT Racing Motor Academy.
ETA: Q2 2013
GT Racing 2 Motor Academy for Android

Modern Combat 5: The Last War

We saved the best for last! Another great title everyone has been waiting for and it’s no surprise the developer is Gameloft. Modern Combat is the best First Person Shooter (FPS) for mobile devices for a reason. Stay tuned for more on Modern Combat 5 : The Last War.
Release Date: Rumored to release Mid 2013
Modern Combat 5 The Last War

Other games we just cant wait for:

Order and Chaos Duels

ETA: Q1 2013

Fast and Furious 6

ETA: May 2013

Iron Man 3

ETA: Around April 2013


ETA: Q2 2013

Dragon Hunter

ETA: Q1 2013

Warboys (MMOFPS – Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter)

ETA: Q1 2013

Asassin’s Creed: Utopia

ETA: Q1 2013

Project Godus

ETA: Around September 2013

Riptide GP2

ETA: Summer 2013
Riptide GP2 for Android

Dead Trigger 2

ETA: Q2 2013
Dead Trigger 2 for Android

Watch out for: Ouya (Upcoming Android game console – ETA: June 2013)

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013


Do you dare to be the Most Wanted?
Buckle up, hit the gas and hold on tight; you’re in for the ride of your life. Outrun cops, outsmart rivals – and outdrive your friends – in the most dangerous Need for Speed yet. Do you dare to be the Most Wanted? ** Need for Speed Most Wanted is an immersive, high quality game that requires a 350MB+ download. To speed things up, we recommend connecting to WiFi. We promise – it’s worth it! ** MAKE TROUBLE, GET WANTED Evade a relentless police force while you clash with street racers. Race and chase hot cars like the SRT Viper GTS, Porsche 911 Carrera S, Hummer H1 Alpha, and many more. Feel the intensity of no-brakes-allowed street racing with realistic full-car damage for the first time on mobile. LEAVE YOUR MARK Log into Origin to check the Wanted List and find out who is the Most Wanted across platforms and among your friends. Then, challenge your friends and prove your racing skills in nonstop competition. GO FROM ZERO TO MOST WANTED… • Drive and customize over 35 of the world’s most exciting cars • Race the way you want! By popular demand, you can now touch or tilt to steer • Use Mods to enhance your car and get ahead of the pack in style • Experience the action with mind-blowing graphics and intense full-car damage • Earn Speed Points to unlock new cars Your rivals will do everything they can to stop you from getting to the top – but in this world, there can only be one Most Wanted.

if u have installed any old offline apk uninstall it and clear data and then install new offline apk

Need for Speed™ Most Wanted UNLIMITED MONEY apk

download links 
download new v1.0.46 apk+data

older version

mirror offline apk link

adreno 205

adreno 220





adreno 205(Xperia Mini Pro/Mini/Active/Live With Walkman)

   -install offline apk  
    -extract and copy data to sd/android/data   
    -launch game offline 

if u have installed any old offline apk uninstall it and clear data and then install new offline apk

Advanced Task Manager Pro (task manager Handal)

Best task killer for android system, speed up phone, save battery!

Advanced Task Manager Pro
Best task killer for android system, speed up phone, save battery!
Kill tasks,free memory,speed up phone,save battery.
ATM 2.0 with totally new UI is comming, and it's really cool!!!

  • Task killer, kill selected tasks
  • Ignore apps when kill tasks
  • Auto kill tasks on every screen off
  • Regular kill
  • Startup Kill
  • One click task kill widget
  • Quick uninstaller
  • Show battery life
  • Support android 1.5/1.6/2.2/2.3/3.x/4.0
  • Ad Free
Advanced Task Manager (ATMGR or ATM) is basicly a task killer. It can list all the running tasks, and you can select some of them to kill. It is also a task manager tool to manage all the apps or running apps, you can long click on the task that you want to kill, and you will get a poped up menu with more options.

You may found that some apps are restarted again and again after killing, for some tasks are restarted by system events automatically. And we suggest that you enable Auto Kill in settings. Then it will kill tasks on every screen off. It will help to save battery and extend the battery life by terminating some apps that drawns too much battery.

There are many task killer apps in the google market. What is the difference between our app with other task killers? Basically our app killer list more apps then others, because the way we use to get system running task list is same as the android system panel. Another important difference is that we have an uninstaller feature in our task killer, and you can uninstall useless apps. Most of the task killers have one click widget, but our widget can show available memory. It's not default enabled, users should enable it insettings. Overall our app killer is the best one of so many task or app kill tools in the market.

What's in this version : (Updated : Feb 17, 2013)
  • Fix a FC bug
Required Android O/S : 1.6+

Screenshots :

Download : 1.4Mb PK

MX Player Pro (Player with All Codec Support )

MX Video Player - The best way to enjoy your movies !

MX Player Pro
MULTI-CORE DECODING - MX Video Player is the first Android video player that performs multi-core decoding. According to the test results on dual-core devices, it shows up to 70%performance improvement than single-core devices.

CPU OPTIMIZATION - Provides highly optimized CODECs and Rendering Engines for the processors including ARM® NEON™ and NVIDIA® Tegra™ 2.

MULTI-TOUCH VIDEO ZOOM CONTROL - Zoom while playing your video in and out using multi-touchgestures.

SUBTITLE SCROLL - Scroll on subtitle text and playback position will be adjusted to match previous or next subtitle timing.

BETTER SUBTITLE READABILITY - Increased subtitle readability with thicker border and shadow around text.


Supported File Types :
  • SubRip(.srt) 
  • Sub Station Alpha(.ssa/.ass) 
  • MicroDVD(.sub/.txt) 
  • SubViewer2.0(.sub) 
  • SAMI(.smi/.sami) 
  • MPL2(.mpl/.txt) 
  • PowerDivX(.psb/.txt) 
  • TMPlayer(.txt) 
  • Matroska (.mkv) Subtitle Track. (text, ass/ssa only) 
What's in this version : (Updated : Mar 3, 2013)
  • Fixed broken h/w+ decoder on Tegra 3 and Intel x86 devices.
  • Fixed broken s/w audio decoder settings.
  • Moved screen rotation button to left side of the screen on Android 3.0 and later.
  • Added hiding option of screen rotation button.
Required Android O/S : 2.1+

Screenshots :

Download :  6.4Mb APK