Minggu, 03 November 2013


Screenshots :-

Instructions :-

Click Here to Download !! 
Install like normal app and its done :D 

Credits :-
Noel Macwan (Me) for sharing it here
Levered for sharing it in SXDevelopers Facebook Group 

X-Reality engine For XPeria M

 [MOD][BE3] X-Reality Engine from Xperia Z1 :D

I present to you the X-Reality engine taken from Xperia Z1. 
This is not entirely my own work, and i would like to thank Sony for their awesome work. And other devs for extracting the required files. 
(Backup your apps for safety) 
Firstly, you have to download the package below, 
It contains all the files required to install X-Reality Engine on your Xperia. 
1. This is not a flashable zip.
2. You'll have to download the Zip file, extract its contents to some location on your memory card.
3. Using any file manager, copy the contents to the correct folders as given in the Zip. (Root access required)
& set permision, --- rwx r-x

RWX Stands for R-Read W-Write X-Execute

The permissions for the build.prop should NOT be changed. All other files should

The screenshot is as follows: . 

4. The new Movies App has also been included.
5. The name in the settings still shows up as Bravia Engine 2, But this is X-Reality Engine, i am yet to decompile our settings.apk and make changes. (Exams!! 
6.Add these lines to your Build.prop file which can be found at /System/build.prop
# X-Reality
ro.service.swiqi2.supported = true
persist.service.swiqi2.enable = 1
ro.service.swiqi3.supported = true
persist.service.swiqi3.enable = 1

The permissions for the build.prop should NOT be changed. All other files should

7. Reboot.
8. If successful, you should see a Bravia Engine 2 option in the Display section. 

To test if this works or not, Take any screenshot of a vibrant image before and after X-Reality Engine, and compare the changes in a PC, or on your mobile with X-Reality Engine OFF.

X-Reality ON:

X-Reality OFF:

X-Reality ON:

X-Reality OFF:

Jumat, 01 November 2013


Nerojut cara root XPERIA E / E DUAL

cara root :
persiapan download unlockrootpro3setup.exe disinihttp://www.unlockroot.com/download.html
atau offline installer disini
note : hapus tanda * atau <spasi> pada link jika di copas.

tutorial rooting :

1. instal unlockrootpro3setup.exe
2. instal adb files xperia e dual (bisa install Sony pc companion dulu ntar keinstall otomatis)
3. sambungkan kabel usb ke hp (biarkan komputer menginstal driver dan adb files)
4. enable USB debugging dengan cara menu > setting > system > Developer option > centang usb debugging
5. klik tombol root biarkan proses berlangsung. (program akan mengenali hp sebagai xperia c1605 4.0.4)
6. jika program gagal mengenali hp ulangi langkah 4 9enable USB debugging hapus centang lalu centang kembali kemudian lanjutkan ke langkah 5.)
7. proses berjalan akan ada penawaran untuk mengisntal aplikasi tambahan power saver (abaikan ini)
8. muncul dialog root succesfull restart your phone now > pilih yes hp akan restart otomatis
9. xperia e dual c 1605 telah berhasil di root dgn muncul super SU

cara unroot :
sama kayak root cuma yang diklik tombol unroot

bukti tested
Spoiler for tested