Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Bit Web Server [Webserver, PHP, MYSQL, SMTP client di Android]

Webserver;  PHP & Mysql & SMTP Client Kini Ada di Android.
Ini tentu sangat membantu bagi anda yang biasanya membuat WEB Server dan Program Berbasis PHP, Sangat memudahkan, anda bisa membuat WEB server hanya dengan satu Genggaman ditangan, mudah mengerjakan dimanapun.
Dan saya sendiri sudah mencoba mengembangkan aplikasi POS / Retail Kasir berbasis Web PHP lalu Program & database-nya berhasil saya coba jalankan di android.

Aplikasi ini tersedia di playstore dan berbayar.!

Jika penasaran silahkan mencobanya dan download link-nya berikut ini
> Klik disini (full Version)
> Klik disini (Playstore)

Dan berikut Penampakan Bit Web Server

Android Yang Akan Hadir Berikutnya 4.4. KitKat

Android 4.4. KitKat: The Sweetest Features & Release Date News

Forget iOS 7, Android 4.4 is where it's at. Damien McFerran looks at the proposed changes

While Apple fans get to grips with the freshly-released iOS7, Android users are eagerly awaiting the launch of Kit Kat – otherwise known as Android 4.4. Rumoured to be launching on October 14, the latest version of Google's mobile OS should be accompanied by the Nexus 5, the newest handset in Nexus lineage and the second to be produced by manufacturer LG.
Nestle has revealed that Android KitKat will launch in October via its official Facebook page, adding fuel to claims that Google will unveil its new version of Android and the Nexus 5 on October 14. 
Asked when Android 4.4 was launching by one of its fans, Nestle responded – in German – with the following statement: “Android 4.4 KitKat is available from October.”
Ahead of an official announcement from Google, this is about as concrete a launch date as we’re likely to get. Check out the NestlĂ©’s blunder by clicking here.
With the release close at hand, we've decided to run down the features you can look forward to in Android 4.4 and why they're worth getting exciting about.

Android KitKat: Better looking UI

Apple's sweeping changes in iOS7 make it look more like Android than ever before, which speaks volumes about how attractive Google's software is these days – a far cry from the bland visuals we had to endure in the days of the HTC Dream. With Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean, Google has turned Android into one of the best-looking operating systems available and this will be due in no small part to the influence of Matias Duarte, who joined the company in 2010 after working at Palm on the similarly attractive webOS platform.

Rumoured changes include a revised colour scheme, improved notifications and other general UI enhancements. Stock Android - that is, the version which will ship on Nexus devices - looks better than ever, and 4.4 will only improve on that. Of course, by the time it gets into the hands of Samsung, LG and Sony, it will look very different as those manufacturers slap on their own custom UI skins, but we're sure some of the excellent design work will shine through regardless.

Android KitKat: Wider hardware support

One of Android's biggest issues is fragmentation thanks to the sheer number of devices available. As different versions have been released, many Android owners have been forced to sit back and watch their newly-bought phones become obsolete almost overnight - many handsets are stuck on Android 2.3 because of the stern requirements made by subsequent updates.
Google will apparently try to make amends with Android 4.4, which is rumoured to have lower specification demands and can therefore be installed on older phones and tablets. It's even been said that devices that missed out on 4.0 and beyond will be able to download 4.4  – although we'll believe that when we see it (and of course it will be down to the manufacturers and carriers to actually release the updates). But it's a positive move by Google all the same.

Android KitKat: Exclusive Cloud-based system

Cloud storage is old news – we already have the likes of Google Drive, Dropbox and Box, but Google may be looking to integrate this feature more tightly with Android. Perhaps in the same way that Apple uses iCloud for backups and the like?
You can already automatically backup your photos using Google+, and it's possible to restore certain settings whenever you sign into a new Android device, but there's clearly scope for a better, more streamlined system. We may well see it in 4.4, and it could take us one step closer to ditching onboard storage altogether.

Android KitKat: Better battery life

This is one of those features that seems to get promised every time there's a new version of Android – but this time Google could mean it. Android 4.4 is supposed to make better use of multi-core CPUs and is apparently "lightweight" in terms of the demands it places on the hardware.
That will mean better battery stamina, although this could vary depending on which device Android 4.4 is installed on. One thing's for certain: Google is working to make Android more efficient and less power-hungry, which has been one of the OS' biggest failings since day one.

Android KitKat: Smoother screen orientation changes

This might sound like a relatively minor cosmetic change, but it could end up enriching the user experience no end. The simple process of turning your phone from portrait to landscape - and back again - shouldn't be a jerky, juddery affair. Yet on many Android phones, it most certainly is – and this impacts your enjoyment, even if you don't realise it.
If Google can finally solve this irksome problem then it will take a massive step towards making Android feel as slick and responsive as iOS.

Android KitKat: Improved security and bug-squashing

Android has a very bad reputation when it comes to general security, with many critics citing the prevalence of malevolent apps on the Google Play as a serious cause for concern. Google is clearly aware of this and has recently made it easier to report malicious downloads, but it's clear that the OS still lags behind the iPhone when it comes to keeping things locked down.
Android also has a few underlying bugs - like any OS, really - and Google is promising to eradicate those with Kit Kat.

Android KitKat: And finally, some kind of confectionery tie-in

Google teaming up with food brand Nestle is a major event, and we're sure that there will be some kind of promotional feature to Android 4.4 – even if it's just as simple as pre-installed app which links in with the tasty Kit Kat chocolate snack. Perhaps key parts of the UI will have a chocolate-like theme to them? Or maybe you'll get free sweets by registering your phone? Time will tell, but just thinking about it is making us hungry.
October 28 2013

Nexus 10 2 will run Android 4.4

Can Google keep a secret? That’s what the Inquirer are asking in the wake of another leak - this time of Android 4.4. running on what looks like an updated version of the Nexus 10.
The listing made what they call a “premature” debut in Google’s play store and was swiftly removed. Despite the accidental leaks, details of the android operating system update are still pretty hazy - but according to rumour, it will focus more on TV than smartphones. However with speculation (and leaks) mounting, it looks like we’ll know more any day now. Stay tuned for updates.
October 18 2013

Android 4.4 KitKat UX revealed ahead of launch 

Thanks to Google we’ve now had our first glimpse at what Android 4.4 will look like. The search giant accidentally published marketing material, complete with official press shots, onto the Google Play store. Said images were quickly removed but screengrabs were obtained, which you can see below.

Overall the UX doesn’t look all that dissimilar, however, there are some notable style changes – the translucent menu bar and navigation buttons, for example. Folders appear to have been modified slightly and, if we’re not mistaken, it looks as if Android’s Roboto font has also been tweaked ever so slightly; it looks more delicate than before.

The phone and camera app icons are also different –– the camera has a bigger lens and the phone is, well, more bendy looking than before. The app tray icon (the one in the centre) is now translucent and Google appears to have gotten rid of the line that divides the bottom for apps and the homescreen apps.

The changes are pretty subtle but they are there and, like a magic eye, the longer you look at the two UXs side-by-side, the more obvious they become. Check out the below image to see what we mean:

Android Jelly Bean on the Nexus 4 is on the left and Android KitKat, as seen on the Nexus 5 leak, is on the right.
  1. Notification bar is no longer black. Now transparent and icons are white
  2. Google's Roboto font appears to be narrower, similar to the HTC Sense 5 UI
  3. Bar above the app tray is gone. The only divider is a homescreen page indicator using translucent dots
  4. Camera icon is completely new
  5. App drawer icon no longer has an outer circle. Now a translucent circle and dots appear more rounded
  6. Phone icon is completely new. Darker blue, flatter and with less prominent gradient/highlights
  7. Like the notifications bar, the control bar is no longer black and is transparent with white icons for the navigation controls: Home, Back and Multitasking
And once you’re done looking at that why not read our Samsung Galaxy Note 3 review –– it’s a stonker of a handset, maybe even our favorite of 2013 thus far.
October 22 2013

Will KitKat be released on Halloween?

Whoa. We’ve only just got our heads around iOS 7 and along comes another huge operating system update – this time Android 4.4. KitKat.
Before every update comes a flurry of activity. And as Gottabemobile notes, Google has spent the last three weeks updating every single one of its major applications inside its Android platform (we’re talking YouTube, Play, Maps, Gmail, and more).
Now they’ve updated the Play Store, where one can buy apps. So what does version 4.4.21 mean? It means that we’ll be seeing KitKat “very, very soon” – possibly next week.
According to latest rumours the new operating system could be released with a brand spanking new phone –– the Nexus 5 –– on 31 October, giving Android fans even more reason to look forward to Halloween.
October 17 2013

Android 4.4 KitKat Google Play update to see Google Now-style sliding menus

The next iteration of the Google Play app, set to debut on Android 4.4 KitKat, will feature a new sliding menu layout according to leaked screenshots.
The images come courtesy of Android Police's anonymous sources and show Google Play, also version 4.4 just like the OS, with a navigation menu which slides out from the left-hand side of the display.

This means Store Home, My Apps, My Wishlist and Redeem, Shop and My Movies & TV categories now come in with their own menu rather than being stuffed in alongside the Settings and Help menus in the top right corner button - this remains, but is now much tidier.
What isn't clear, is how this new menu is activated, we can't tell if it's a case of pressing the title bar at the top or a swipe gesture from the side of the display.
While there isn't any further screenshot evidence, the report goes on to suggest that "Google will change all the things to be even more card-like," according to rumours, so expect Google Now vibes throughout.
While the new Google Play 4.4 build will debut on KitKat, it's said that it is backward compatible "all the way back to Froyo."
October 16 2013: 14.12



Second official KitKat teaser emerges via Twitter - suggests October 28 launch

Not content to let people get the wrong end of the stick with its "Everybody Dance Now!" Google+ post, the official @KitKat Twitter account has posted a second teaser which goes some way to clarifying the matter. At least as far as cryptic and somewhat tenuous music links can possibly be clear.
@KitKat posted a picture of text spelled out in KitKat fingers, reading "This is it",  with the tagline "sometimes you have to look at the signs." This appears to be a reference to the Michael Jackson song and film of the same name launched on October 28.
How does this link with the earlier teaser? Well something which has emerged since is the original name of C+C Music Factory, the band whihc released the track with the lyrics "Everybody dance now!" (actually called "Gonna Make You Sweat"), apparently the band used to be called "The 28th Street Crew."
Assuming you buy into all this tenuous linkage, then both tips would appear to indicate October 28, which sits a bit closer to the October 30/31 dates previously rumoured.
Incidentally, October 28 also sits closer to the launch of the Nexus 4 with Android Jelly Bean in 2012 - October 29.
October 16 2013: 11.20

Dancing Android KitKat Google+ post sets tongues wagging for October 18 launch

Google has posted an Android KitKat teaser on its Google+ page showing the chocolatey Android mascot striking a bit of a disco pose and with the tagline "Everybody dance now!". The hashtag is #AndroidKITKAT.
Why is this significant? Well the comments section has exploded with speculation, but some of the more interesting points suggest this is a cryptic clue from Google.
Apparently, the C+C Music Factory hit "Everybody Dance Now" was launched on October 18 1990 and is exactly 4 minutes and 4 seconds long. Some are taking this to mean Android 4.4 KitKat will launch on Friday October 18 2013 - ie: this Friday.
It's a tenuous link, but a rather compelling one, so we're going with it for now. Rumours still remain that October 30 or October 31 will be the big launch of the Nexus 5 complete with Android 4.4 KitKat debuting onboard.
October 3 2013
A big batch of photos has appeared online showing what the Android 4.4 KitKat UI may look like and giving an insight into a few of its features.
The images, which emerged via GadgetHelpLine, are still unverified and could be fakes, but they appear to show an early build still with the Key Lime Pie branding running on a Nexus 4.
Visual tweaks to the UI are apparent, though they're small and subtle changes and overall it still looks very much like Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. Some UI elements are now a bright white, making the overall setup look a bit punchier. Animations have also reportedly been made smoother.
A couple of significant features include native support for printing from your phone or device and a section of the menu dedicated to "payments" with an icon suggesting this has something to do with NFC and e-Wallet functions.
Native photo editing also appears to be getting an overhaul with the ability to save to PDF, a range of export options and new effects and filters. Google's Drive and Keep apps are also now built-in rather than you needing to download them.
October 2 2013

Android 4.4 KitKat release date?

Android KitKat might not be official yet but already we’re hearing word on when the update will be rolled out to handsets. Apparently Android 4.4 is coming later this month –– October –– to the LG Optimus G.
The news comes via UberGizmo, which reported the following:
“LG France might have confirmed that the handset –– Optimus G –– would indeed be receiving the update and that it has been planned for a release in October. This is according to a conversation a user had with an LG representative, in which the LG rep pretty much stated that the update has been planned for a release this October.”
Which is great… except for two things: the first is that there’s no evidence of the conversation having ever taken place and, two, even if it did the LG rep could simply have been talking out of his ass.
LG hasn’t made an “official” official statement regarding this omission but if Android KitKat is coming in October to non-Nexus handsets, it could be very telling of Google’s plans for the update –– get it out fast and to as many droid handsets as possible.

Android KitKat spotted running on Nexus 10

Google’s forthcoming Android build, version 4.4 KitKat, has been spotted running on a Nexus 10 by a Chrome bugtracker.
According to a report from myce.com, a Google developer using a Nexus 10 reported a Chrome bug with Android build KLP KRS74D, while another used version KLP KRS74B.
KLP might well have you thinking “Key Lime Pie”, but we now know the next build will be called KitKat thanks to Google’s big reveal of the new name. It could well be that Key Lime Pie has previously been a working title and we’re still seeing remnants of the name in these reports even if the official name is now changed.
Myce’s analysis suggests that within the KRS74D/KRS74B designation, the K stands for KitKat or Key Lime Pie, R represents the “primary development branch”, S is for the year’s third quarter and the 74 is the day number for that quarter. Meanwhile the B and D designations are the builds for that day, B being the second and D being the fourth.
The bug report details a problem with video playback on Youtube and mentions that the same video “plays fine on a Nexus 7 v2,” suggesting the KitKat build is also being tested on Google’s latest tablet device.
Little is known at present regarding what changes Android 4.4 KitKat will introduce but current rumour suggests we may see it launch in October. Google usually launches its new software aboard a flagship Nexus device and we’re increasingly seeing leaks and information about the alleged Nexus 5 handset said to be in development by LG.

Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Blackberry Messenger For Gingerbread 2.3 & Cm7

Was Successfully I Ported Blackberry Messenger For Gingerbread 2.3 & Cm7
Kabar baik untuk kalian yang masih menggunakan HH Android Berprosesor Arm6 dengan ROM Gingerbread kalian bisa menggunakannya.

Download From Here
Tested & Working On Xperia Neo With 2.3.4 Version etc. Phones

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

Call of Duty Strike Team APK+DATA FILES

Kini Call of Duty hadir di Android, mencoba memacu andrenalin permainan di Android, 

Ternyata Activition juga melirik android sebagai platform produk game nya yang termasuk paling digemari oleh gamer-gamer seluruh dunia ini. 
Saya sendiri pun kaget & tidak menyangka kalau COD ternyata hadir di android, bahkan saya sendiri belum mencoba.

Call of Duty Strike Team Android APK+DATA FILES

Call of Duty®: Strike Team delivers an all-new, first-person and third-person Call of Duty® experience built from the ground up for mobile and tablet devices. Fully customize your squad’s loadouts and abilities before leading them into combat in diverse gameplay environments. Call of Duty®: Strike Team features the revolutionary ability to dynamically switch from run-and-gun first-person view to reconnaissance and coordinated squad attacks in third-person view.

The year is 2020. Tensions run high amongst the world’s superpowers. In a surprise attack, the U.S. finds themselves in a war with an unknown enemy. Your mission is to lead a Joint Special Operations Team in a global effort to hunt down those responsible.
Play your way. Switch between first-person and third-person action at almost any time. Strategically customize the members of your squad with weapons, perks or body armor.
CAMPAIGN MODE: Experience an immersive single-player campaign full of epic, cinematic moments in diverse locations around the world.
SURVIVAL MODE: Put your skills to the test as you fight off waves of increasingly difficult enemies. Compete against family, friends and the Call of Duty®: Strike Team community for leaderboard domination.

Requires Android: 2.1 and Up



Download Links:
Download APK File:

Data Files:

PART1(200 MB)
PART2(200 MB)
PART3(200 MB)
PART4(200 MB)
PART5(105 MB)

PART1(100 MB)
PART2(100 MB)
PART3(100 MB)
PART4(100 MB)
PART5(100 MB)
PART6(100 MB)
PART7(100 MB)
PART8(100 MB)
PART9(100 MB)
PART10(5 MB)

Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/ and Play.


Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Autotext Blackberry Untuk Android

          Ni permintaan dari temen-2 saya, supaya memosting “cara membuat autotext di android” 

    Sebelum ke TKP lebih baiknya kita mengetahui autotext itu sendiri seperti apa, kalau menurut saya pribadi Autotext itu sebuah kata atau emotison yang menarik ataupun keren, semisal seperti yang ada di gambar di samping.

     Tentunya masih banyak lagi. Pada umumnya yang seperti2 itu hanya ada di BlackBerry, tapi setelah mencari dan mencari tentunya di mbah google, hehehe. Saya mendapatkan gimana caranya membuat yang seperti itu di Hp yang OS nya Android.

   Langsung saja ke pokok permasalahan awal, sebelumnya agan-2 or sista-2 harus mempersiapkan bahan-bahannya :
1. Smart Keyboard PRO (4.5.0).apk >> MEDIAFIRE 
Smart Keyboard PRO (4.5.0).apk >> TUSFILES 
2. Smart Keyboard PRO (3.13.0).apk>> MEDIAFIRE 
Smart Keyboard PRO (3.13.0).apk >> TUSFILES 
3. backup.zip >> MEDIAFIRE 
backup.zip >> TUSFILES

Jika Membutuhkan Passwoooddd >>  konseicampur

Sekarang kita akan mengatur supaya autoText-nya terbaca/bias di gunakan di Android.

1. Instal Smart Keyboard Pro yang telah di download,
2. Kemudian letakkan backup.zip di/sdcard/smartkeyboardpro
3. Buka Smart Keyboard Pro yang di isntal tadi, pilih setting, centang Smart Keyboard Pro,
4. lalu pilih Smart Keyboard Pro yang ada di bawahnya,
5. Cari Backup Settings, pilih Restore from sdcrad, OK.
    (Jika ingin melihat kata-2 yang ada di autotext, pilih > text prediction > custom auto text)
6. posisi masih di menu setting (smart keyboard pro setting)
  • Auto-capitalization: on - Quick fix: off ( agar tidak otomatis terganti begitu mengetik ) 
  • Show suggestion: on - Autocomplete: off ( agar tidak mengganggu (otomatis ganti kata) begitu spasi ) 
  • Swap punctuation : off 
  • Space after picking : off 
  • Contact Dictionary : on/off (optional, jika ingin suggestion ambil dari nama kontak di hp)
  • Always suggest: on ( agar muncul suggestionnya apa begitu mengetikkan sesuatu )
7. Selesai 

Untuk menggunakan autotext BB tersebut, ikuti langkah2 dibawah ini 
- Buat pesan baru, lalu touch (tahan) yang lama di text fieldnya, nanti akan muncul menu “edit text”, pilih “Input Method” dan pilih “Smart Keyboard Pro”

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Cara ubah Convert Game ARMv7 ke ARMv6

 Cara Ubah Game ARMv7 ke ARMv6

Hellooo gann!!! Skrng ane mau bagi cara konvert game ARMv7 ke ARMv6 nih!!
Tapi jgn seneng dulu, coz gak smua game bsa di konvert n tutorial ini hanya untuk mengkonvert game2 yang memakai engine Unity seperti Temple Run, Subway Surfers, dll. Silahkan di coba yak gan!!!

Bahan2 :
Unity Lib Collections
Datafilehost - 50MB

APK Signer

Persiapan :
1. WinRar
2. Unity Lib
3. APK Signer
4. Notepad ++ / Notepad

Instruksi :

1. Buka WinRar agan dan buka File APK yang mau di port dan Masuk ke Assets > Bin > Data> dan Buka "MAINDATA" file menggunakan NOTEPAD atau NOTEPAD++

2. Sekarang Periksa Versi Unity (Lihat Skrinsot)

3. Sekarang agan memiliki info tentang Versi Unity, cnth : dalam skrinsot, versi Unity itu 3.5.6f4 jadi sekarang agan harus ekstrak libs 3.5.6f4 yang telah Anda download dari link di atas.

4. Sekarang kmbali ke WinRar, Hapus LIB Folder dari file APK dan Taruh ARMv6 folder lib. Masuk lagi ke Assets> Lib dan hapus ARMv7 folder dan taruh armeabi-VFP.

5. Copy APK yang sudah di mod tadi ke folder agan mengekstrak APK Signer. (usahakan nama APK tidak ada spasinya)

6. Buka one_click_signer.cmd dan ketik nama apk yang di mod tadi lalu enter. Cnth : templerun102.apk

7. Tunggu hingga selesai

8. Setelah selesai, akan ada apk baru yaitu signed.(nama_apk_tadi).apk

9. Pindahkan apk signed itu ke sd card hh agan, dan instal!

Skrinsyot :

Video :

Jika versinya 4.0 / keatas, maka agan tidak bisa mengkonvertnya, krna jika dipaksa, gamenya akan selalu FC.
Jika game fc setelah loading/gambarnya jelek, silahkan agan menggunakan CF3D.

Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013

Kernel Untuk Overclocking Xperia M | Hanya untuk Stock ROM (JB)

[KERNEL][17-OCT]Elixer1.3 ★ OC ★ UV ★ CWM

 * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear
 * war, or the current economic crisis caused by you following these
 * directions. YOU are choosing to make these modificiations, and
 * if you point your finger at me for messing up your device, I will
 * laugh at you.

Guys here i present you First ever kernel release for SONY XPERIA M After working for SO Many HARD HOURS

Here are the features


  • Based on the latest sources
  • Compiled using Google gcc 4.6.3 ----> MOST STABLE TOOLCHAIN
  • CPU Overclockable upto 1.5Ghz
  • XZ Compressed Kernel
  • Added new governor -->Intellidemand
  • USB fastcharge @DooMLoRD
  • Optimized AES and SHA1 routines
  • Removed old SHA1 routines
  • Optimized git implementation for SHA1
  • Optimized apply_slack() method for size and speed
  • Lock initial TCP window size to 64k (Improves network ping and output)
  • Undervolted by 75mV by default(Don't undervolt more)
  • ClockworkMod Recovery by @alvinwong_1234)
  • Enabled Swap



NOTE to MODERATORS:- I need time to upload sources I have very less internet speed
it will probably takes 6 to 8 days to upload So please Keep this thread open! 

XDA:DevDB Information
ELIXER, a Kernel for the Sony Xperia M

icoolguy1995varun.chitre15, alvinwong_1234,ramprasad5394,Rachit Rawat
Kernel Special Features: 

Version Information
Status: Stable

Thanks to XDA

CWM (Clockwork Mod) & Kernel For Xperia M (C1905) With JB Stock OS

 [RECOVERY][CWM][2013-10-19][SS] Stock kernel with CWM [Unlocked BL]

I just built a new CWM recovery from source and have it combined with stock kernel and ramdisk.

This image contains the kernel from Build 15.1.C.1.17 (dumped from C1905), the stock ramdisk, the CWM ramdisk and a custom root to select which system to boot.

Please backup your data before proceeding! I am not responsible for any data loss!

I've tried on my own Xperia M (C1905) and it can boot, but I haven't tried to restore a backup. You are warned! Not tested on C1904, but it should work though I cannot guarantee anything.

** You need unlocked bootloader to use this. Before you unlock the bootloader, you need to backup all your data and remove the SD card because everything will be deleted! **

Known problems:
  • If you mount /data, you cannot unmount it from the interface (the CWM code is designed to not allow unmounting it). You can, though, execute `adb shell umount /data` to unmount it if you really do need to.
  • (Only applicable to CWM The "mount USB storage" (connect SD card to computer) function does not work.
  • (Only applicable to CWM There is no "mount USB storage" (connect SD card to computer) function.

Install instructions (skip to step 5 if you already unlocked bootloader, rooted and installed busybox):
  1. Install the latest Android SDK platform tools on your computer.
  2. Root: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2457174
  3. Backup TA partition: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2292598 (do this if you want to relock in the far future)
  4. Unlock bootloader: All data will be lost! SD card will be formatted!
  5. Download the attached zip and extract the boot image.
  6. Power off your Xperia M, hold the Volume Up button and connect USB cable, release button when blue LED is on.
  7. Execute:
    fastboot flash boot combined-xperia-m-boot.img
    Wait for it to show finished.
  8. Disconnect USB cable.

Boot instructions:
  1. Power off your Xperia M.
  2. Power on by holding the power button. Your Xperia M should vibrate once like normal boot
  3. Note that when the LED turns pink, press Volume Up once (no need to hold down).
  4. LED should then turn cyan
  5. You have booted into CWM!

Report bugs here!

  • CyanogenMod and ClockworkMod for obvious reasons[/url]

Also: Pack any Xperia M kernel with CWM
Check this tool: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2481864

Technical information:
The Xperia M doesn't have a recovery partition, therefore the recovery is packed into a boot image. There is an init script which checks whether it should boot into recovery, and if it should, the script will extract the recovery ramdisk and boot it. Otherwise it will extract the boot ramdisk and boot Android normally. The packer linked above is designed to pack the boot image.

  • Compiled with cm-10.2 sources, CWM
  • Major changes in partition table format to allow CWM
  • Allow mounting external USB storage (using OTG cable) so backup can be stored on USB flash drives
  • Fixed screen shift issue!
  • Use the zimage of the stock kernel instead of the uncompressed kernel
  • Updates init script
  • Recompiled recovery to use device-specific key mapping (camera focus key = back)
Source code:
Device files: https://github.com/alvinhochun/cyano...ice_sony_nicki (Note: CWM is built using the `cm-10.2` branch)
Master branch only tested on cm-10.1, cm-10.2 branch only tested on cm-10.2
Prebuilt kernel is extracted from stock ROM.
Kernel source: https://github.com/alvinhochun/sony-xperia-m-kernel
To build, use `lunch cm_nicki-eng` and then `make combinedimage`. Boot image is output as `combined.img`.
If you want to use your custom kernel and ramdisk, simply replace `kernel` and `stock-boot-ramdisk.gz`.

Extra notes:
combined-xperia-m-boot-2013-10-19.img.zip is the newer CWM version.
combined-xperia-m-boot-2013-10-15b.img.zip is the older CWM version.
Current device: Xperia M (C1905)
SPECIAL BIG THANKS..!!!!! TO alvinhochun xda

Cara root android galaxy y GT-S5360 & untuk bisa install BBM

Cara root android Seperti  yang sudah dimumumkan bahwa BBM buat android akan tersedia untuk di download di google play pada mulai 21 september 2013. Tapi untuk bisa menikmati BBM anda harus mempunyau OS Android veri 4.x.X yaitu OS Android ICE CREAM SANDWICH atau JELLY BEAN

Langkah demi Langkah upgrade perangkat Android Anda menjadi Android OS Jelly Bean:
1 . Rooting ( dengan : Multi- Root- Installer, Universal Root GB ... dll )
2 . Instal Recovery Kit ( dengan : CWM - ClockworkMod )
3 . Instal Jellybean Custom ROM ( JellyNoid , Nemesis One , JellyBlast ... dll )

1 . Rooting Samsung Galaxy Y GT - S5360
Tapi pertama-tama Anda harus backup data Samsung Galaxy Y . Ini sedang dipertimbangkan operasi berisiko dan Anda mungkin kehilangan semua informasi pribadi Anda dengan melakukan hal yang sama . Anda dapat menggunakan panduan kami sebelumnya dan belajar bagaimana untuk melakukan backup penuh dan aman , atau Anda bisa klik pada link dari bawah . Juga , di samping saya sebutkan daftar tugas yang harus diterapkan sebelum memulai operasi akar yang tepat , sehingga mengambil waktu Anda dan membaca segala sesuatu yang terdaftar di sana .

  •  Jika Anda ingin menyimpan pesan teks , maka Anda perlu untuk men-download SMS backup dan restore aplikasi untuk Android .
  •  Untuk log panggilan , Anda harus mendapatkan backup yang cocok dan mengembalikan alat .
  •  Kontak tersebut dapat dengan mudah disimpan jika Anda sinkron dengan akun Gmail Anda .
  •  Dan Anda juga dapat mem-backup folder EFS .

  • Anda  Juga dapat menggunakan komputer atau kartu SD untuk menyimpan gambar dan file video .
  •  Sebuah komputer juga harus digunakan untuk operasi rooting dan Y kabel USB Galaxy harus berada di dekat Anda .
  •  Pada kedua PC dan handset menonaktifkan opsi keamanan dan program-program seperti antivirus dan Firewall .
  •  Mengisi baterai telepon Anda .
  •  Aktifkan pilihan USB debugging dengan pergi ke " Settings - > Applications - > Development - > USB debugging " .
  •  Sangat penting untuk menerapkan panduan ini hanya jika Anda sudah memiliki Samsung Galaxy Y nomor model S5360 dan bukan smartphone yang sama seperti Anda dapat berakhir di bricking perangkat berbasis Android Anda .

Cara Mudah Root Samsung Galaxy Y S5360
1 . Pertama-tama , download paket root ( Multi- Root- Installer ) dari http://dh.st/fll atau di UNiversal root GB di http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f826/samsung-universal-gingerbread-root-unroot-2-3-3-2-3-7-a-1594586/dan menempatkan file pada komputer Anda .
2 . Kemudian , menghubungkan perangkat dengan PC dengan menggunakan kabel USB .
3 . Salin file yang didownload dari komputer ke kartu SD telepon .
4 . Lepaskan kabel USB dan matikan Galaxy Y.
5 . Reboot dengan menekan Volume UP kunci , tombol OK dan tombol Daya bersama-sama .
6 . Dari menu yang terbuka pilih " wipe pabrik Data reset" dan "menghapus partisi Cache " .
7 . Kemudian , pilih " install zip dari sd card " dan " pilih zip dari sd card " .
8 . Sekarang , hanya memilih paket download dari kartu SD dan flash yang sama .
9 . Proses ini akan memakan waktu cukup lama jadi jangan khawatir , hanya menunggu sampai selesai .
10 . Pada akhirnya pilih " + + + + + kembali + " dan " sistem reboot sekarang " .
11 . Sekarang, download "Root Checker " aplikasi dari Google Play dan melihat apakah Galaxy Y Anda berakar atau tidak .

Seperti yang Anda lihat , mendapatkan akses root untuk Samsung Galaxy Y adalah operasi yang mudah , melakukan itu mengambil hanya beberapa menit dari waktu luang Anda . Anda dapat menggunakan area komentar dari bawah untuk berbagi kesan-kesan Anda dengan kami . Jangan mengatakan bagaimana hal-hal bekerja untuk Anda atau jika ada masalah ketika mencoba untuk menyelesaikan langkah-langkah .

2 . Instal Android 4.2 Jelly Bean On Your Samsung Galaxy Y GT - S5360
Samsung Galaxy Y adalah anggaran yang sangat populer berorientasi Smartphone Android , ketika dirilis . Orang-orang menyukai Samsung Galaxy Y , karena menawarkan mereka yang terbaik yang mereka mampu , dengan harga yang sangat wajar dan rendah .Sayangnya , tidak ada pembaruan perangkat lunak resmi untuk Samsung Galaxy Y setelah update Gingerbread . Dan Samsung Galaxy Y pengguna yang sedikit kecewa oleh kenyataan bahwa tidak ada pembaruan perangkat lunak lebih lanjut.
Jika Anda memiliki Samsung Galaxy Y , dan jika Anda ingin memperbarui Samsung Galaxy Y ke terbaru Jelly Bean OS , maka hari ini kita di sini untuk membantu Anda. Hari ini , kami berada di sini dengan Android 4.2 ROM Custom untuk Samsung Galaxy Y.

Kami akan membimbing Anda melalui seluruh proses menginstal Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Custom ROM pada Samsung Galaxy Y.
peringatan :

Di bawah ini kita melompat ke panduan instalasi yang sebenarnya , di bawah ini adalah beberapa informasi peringatan yang harus Anda ketahui :
  •  Anda perlu untuk membasmi Samsung Galaxy Y sebelum mencoba menginstal ROM Custom ini .
  •  Ini adalah ROM dibangun Custom dan bukan merupakan rilis resmi .
  •  Harap menyimpan cadangan dari stock ROM yang ada sebelum melanjutkan untuk menginstal .
  •  panduan instalasi ini khusus untuk Samsung Galaxy Y GT - S5360 dan tidak boleh dilakukan pada perangkat / varian lainnya .

Prasyarat :

Berikut adalah beberapa prosedur prasyarat untuk mengikuti , sebelum memulai proses instalasi :
  • Pastikan komputer Anda memiliki USB Driver untuk Samsung Galaxy Y diinstal .
  • Pastikan bahwa Anda Samsung Galaxy Y memiliki setidaknya 80 % dari cadangan baterai .
  • Akar Samsung Galaxy Y sebelum melanjutkan ke instalasi .
  • Download CWM ( ClockworkMod ) Pemulihan dari sini

  • Download NEMESIS ONE - ROM Kit dari sini . 

Cara Install Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Custom ROM Pada Samsung Galaxy Y ?
Pastikan bahwa Anda telah membaca dan mengikuti peringatan dan prasyarat di atas. Jika ya, maka di bawah ini adalah tutorial rinci tentang cara menginstal Android 4.2 Jelly Bean ROM Custom pada Anda Samsung Galaxy Y :
  • Pertama-tama , download yang diberikan di atas Kit ROM dan CWM  recovery
  • Hubungkan Samsung Galaxy Y ke komputer Anda .
  • Copy / Paste Kit ROM dan CWM Recovery Kit ke penyimpanan eksternal Smartphone Anda .
  • Matikan Samsung Galaxy Y.

Install CWM Recovery Kit :
  •  Sekarang , masukkan recovery mode dengan menekan Volume Up + Home + tombol Power di waktu yang sama .
  •  Setelah Anda memasuki mode recovery , FActory data / reset, partisi clear cache dan menghapus Cache Dalvik .
  •  Sekarang dari menu utama dari layar recovery mode , klik " Install ZIP Dari SD Card " tombol .
  •  Sekarang, klik " pilih zip melalui kartu SD " pilihan dan memilih CWM Kit Pemulihan yang Anda disalin ke kartu SD eksternal Anda sebelumnya .
  •  Konfirmasi seleksi .
  •  Sekarang Anda Samsung Galaxy Y akan menginstal file Pemulihan CWM .

Instal Jellybean Custom ROM : Nemesis - satu
  •  Sekarang lagi kembali ke menu utama dan pilih " Install ZIP Dari SD Card " pilihan .
  •  Dan kali ini , memilih Kit ROM yang Anda disalin ke kartu SD eksternal Anda sebelumnya .
  •  Konfirmasikan pilihan , dan sekarang Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Custom ROM akan diinstal pada Anda Samsung Galaxy Y.
  •  Sekali lagi , kembali ke menu utama dan klik "System Reboot Now" tombol .

Samsung Galaxy Y sekarang akan reboot . Proses restart akan memakan waktu lebih lama dari biasanya , sebagai boot pertama setelah menginstal ROM . Jadi silahkan menunggu dengan sabar .

Dan sekarang , Anda telah berhasil menginstal Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Custom ROM pada Samsung Galaxy

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


Jika Proses di atas: Samsung Galaxy Y anda menjadi nge hang saat biooting 
Lakukan restore STOCK ROM degnan aplikasi ODIN... 

selengkapnya baca di http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1922505


JIKa pakai Cutom ROM Nemesis ONe, JellyNoid atau JellyBlast, Handphone android anda juga masih hang tak berhasil.
Mungkin ada harus root android dan install Custom ROT andoid versi 4.0 ( ICE CREAM)

LIhat Videonya di sini.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR_TR98-pdQ

Dan Download Custom ROM: ICS Aura

disini : http://www.fileswap.com/dl/z0abhvNCJ/SAMSUNG_Y_ICS_4.0.6.rar.html


Ternyata CUSTOM ROM hanya merubah tampilan saja. 
Meskipun dalam About HP android anda tertulis Android version 4.0

Ternyata kernel nya tetap tidak berubah. tetap 2.6.3


Android 4.0.1 (Ice Cream Sandwich), based on Linux kernel 3.0.1
Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Based on Linux kernel 3.0.31,

Selanjutnya cari info upgrade kernel Android Cari disni





Download apk BBM for android dari link berikut:

MEGA DOWNLOAD BBM_v1.0.0.70.apk

Source : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2493373